Middle East Event Awards
Middle East
The entertainment industry brings browser based microverse to stage show for heightened, hybrid audience engagement.
The Middle
East Event
The Middle
East Event
The Middle East Event Show brought over 1500+ event professionals together to engage for two days of immersive learning and collaboration.
A custom metaverse was created to take professionals on a metaverse journey from their mobile phones, into an immersive, virtual environment, which was streamed live.
SpaceTo (a division of the Eventagrate Group) partnered with Informa Connect Middle East who were the main organisers behind the Middle East Event Show.
The Middle East Event Show brought over 1500+ event professionals together to engage for two days of immersive learning and collaboration.
A custom metaverse was created to take professionals on a metaverse journey from their mobile phones, into an immersive, virtual environment, which was streamed live.
SpaceTo (a division of the Eventagrate Group) partnered with Informa Connect Middle East who were the main organisers behind the Middle East Event Show.
The Middle East Event Show brought over 1500+ event professionals together to engage for two days of immersive learning and collaboration.
A custom metaverse was created to take professionals on a metaverse journey from their mobile phones, into an immersive, virtual environment, which was streamed live.
SpaceTo (a division of the Eventagrate Group) partnered with Informa Connect Middle East who were the main organisers behind the Middle East Event Show.
Customized Virtual Experience
Customized Virtual Experience
Customized Virtual Experience
3D designed, luscious palm trees, rock formations and ambient lighting were some of the central aesthetic features.
These were illuminated by a blue and green galaxy- inspired skyline and backdrop. There are no limits to what you custom create in the metaverse.
Users were also able to teleport themselves around the microverse to different spaces.
3D designed, luscious palm trees, rock formations and ambient lighting were some of the central aesthetic features.
These were illuminated by a blue and green galaxy- inspired skyline and backdrop. There are no limits to what you custom create in the metaverse.
Users were also able to teleport themselves around the microverse to different spaces.
3D designed, luscious palm trees, rock formations and ambient lighting were some of the central aesthetic features.
These were illuminated by a blue and green galaxy- inspired skyline and backdrop. There are no limits to what you custom create in the metaverse.
Users were also able to teleport themselves around the microverse to different spaces.

Custom Avatars
Custom Avatars
Custom Avatars
A 3D avatar creator allowed users to create personalised avatars.
Multi-coloured avatars engaged with each other within the custom designed virtual environment.
Each avatar moved within the space using convenient, touch-circle navigation..
A 3D avatar creator allowed users to create personalised avatars.
Multi-coloured avatars engaged with each other within the custom designed virtual environment.
Each avatar moved within the space using convenient, touch-circle navigation..
A 3D avatar creator allowed users to create personalised avatars.
Multi-coloured avatars engaged with each other within the custom designed virtual environment.
Each avatar moved within the space using convenient, touch-circle navigation..
Live Interactions
Live Interactions
Live Interactions
Each avatar could run around the 3D space using expressive emojis, their best dance moves, and comments to connect and network with other players.
These live interactions were also streamed live to a large screen at the event which increased
brand engagement and participation.
Each avatar could run around the 3D space using expressive emojis, their best dance moves, and comments to connect and network with other players.
These live interactions were also streamed live to a large screen at the event which increased
brand engagement and participation.
Each avatar could run around the 3D space using expressive emojis, their best dance moves, and comments to connect and network with other players.
These live interactions were also streamed live to a large screen at the event which increased
brand engagement and participation.

The metaverse user experience matters, especially at a show with 1500+ taking part in the experience.
Our developers demanded that data crossed boundaries at speed and without friction using browser-based, optimised technology.
This networking lounge was designed to facilitate seamless collaboration via guided conversational topics around sustainable travel. Two, group voice chat-pods were created on either end of the lounge to facilitate real-time conversations and group interactions. Text chat rooms were also included for those who preferred more private conversations. Predefined gestures and actions were also included as features on the users’ avatar which could be used to communicate and network with other visitors.
The metaverse user experience matters, especially at a show with 1500+ taking part in the experience.
Our developers demanded that data crossed boundaries at speed and without friction using browser-based, optimised technology.
Social Networking
Social Networking
Social Networking
As the event was live and many attended in person, physical and virtual social networking was heightened as live event professionals took to the metaverse to engage fellow attendees and watch themselves on-screen.
Influential figures such as Richard Quest (CNN representative) & H.H. Princess Haifa Al Saud, Vice Minister of Tourism (Saudi), along with several other panelists were mirrored into the metaverse in real-time as their “Digi Twin” avatars took up the metaverse stage.
The panel’s human gestures and audio was captured by live cameras and then mapped into web3 technology to deliver ultra-realistic mirrored actions in the metaverse.
The Digi Twins were then live-streamed in HD. This is one of the first global events to leverage this type of technology within the tourism industry.
As the event was live and many attended in person, physical and virtual social networking was heightened as live event professionals took to the metaverse to engage fellow attendees and watch themselves on-screen.
This served as a space which ignited virtual and in-person connections.
Influential figures such as Richard Quest (CNN representative) & H.H. Princess Haifa Al Saud, Vice Minister of Tourism (Saudi), along with several other panelists were mirrored into the metaverse in real-time as their “Digi Twin” avatars took up the metaverse stage.
The panel’s human gestures and audio was captured by live cameras and then mapped into web3 technology to deliver ultra-realistic mirrored actions in the metaverse.
The Digi Twins were then live-streamed in HD. This is one of the first global events to leverage this type of technology within the tourism industry.
This served as a space which ignited virtual and in-person connections.

Hybrid Audience Engagement
Hybrid Audience Engagement
Hybrid Audience Engagement
Engaging audiences virtually and live created the wow factor and translated into higher participation rates and enhanced event satisfaction.
This type of hybrid engagement transcended boundaries and locations and allowed a larger reach to be engaged.
Influential figures such as Richard Quest (CNN representative) & H.H. Princess Haifa Al Saud, Vice Minister of Tourism (Saudi), along with several other panelists were mirrored into the metaverse in real-time as their “Digi Twin” avatars took up the metaverse stage.
The panel’s human gestures and audio was captured by live cameras and then mapped into web3 technology to deliver ultra-realistic mirrored actions in the metaverse.
The Digi Twins were then live-streamed in HD. This is one of the first global events to leverage this type of technology within the tourism industry.
Engaging audiences virtually and live created the wow factor and translated into higher participation rates and enhanced event satisfaction.
This type of hybrid engagement transcended boundaries and locations and allowed a larger reach to be engaged.
Features Include



Customizable Spaces

Customizable Spaces

Custom Avatars

Custom Avatars

High navigation & span speed

High navigation & spawn speed

Optimized Experiences

Optimized Experiences

Live HD Streaming

Live HD Streaming

Low Latency

Low Latency

Tracking & Data Analytics

Tracking & Data Analytics
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